Splash Mountain Returning as Disney Drops 'DEI' and 5th Key to End 'Woke' Programs - Governor Responds
Splash Mountain Returning as Disney Drops ‘DEI’ and 5th Key to End ‘Woke’ Programs – Governor Responds

Splash Mountain Returning as Disney Drops ‘DEI’ and 5th Key to End ‘Woke’ Programs – Governor Responds. In a stunning press release this morning, April Fool Day, it was announced that Disney will end it’s Woke agenda for good.

George Orwell was a man way ahead of his time when he wrote “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”.

According to the Disney anti-liberal fan base, Woke is defined as… um… well… Okay there is no real definition. It is really just a word to evoke the base into believing there is a boogieman out to get you and your children and turn them into groomed alphabet mafia mouth pieces for the giant corporation. Aka anyone who is Liberal.

The Endwokeness at Disney campaign was set into overdrive recently when it was announced the Governor had won all his legal battles with Walt Disney World. Disney had caved in and dropped all legal fights it was battling in the courts. Now we know why.

One of the caveats of Disney dropping the lawsuits over the Central Tourism Oversight Board is Disney must remove it’s 5th key “inclusion”. Disney will keep the other 4 keys until a internal investigation has finished. Those other keys being Safety, Courtesy, Show and Efficiency. Apparently the ‘Safety’ and ‘Courtesy’ are being looked at carefully.

If I am reading this right, Courtesy Key may be redefined since “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others” means Disney no longer needs to be courteous to everyone. Well, everyone, but some do not need to be treated a fairly as others right?

Disney has decided it was tired of being boycotted by tens of people, and that their money was just as good as liberals money, if not better! The ‘Bring back Splash Mountain’ Facebook groups had won the war, in fact they also will bring back Flik!

In what can only be described as a victory post today, April Fools Day, X formally Twitter the Gov. went ahead and said “This Woke corporation has bowed down to the pressure we have put on them over the past few years. Our rally’s in front of the main gate, with our flags flying high, and the dozen or so concerned citizens who showed up, in the most amazing World War 2 cosplay, Great citizen’s all, have proven effective”

He went onto say “All Disney DEI programs will cease operations immediately and be reversed. The Little Mermaid live action remake, Strange World, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, Black Panther, The Marvels, Minnie in her new Blue Polka Dots, Reimagine Tomorrow, Capt Marvel, She-Hulk, Elsa & Anna, Frozen, the Term ‘Hello, Friends’, The new Intro for Happily Ever After, The new Jungle Cruise without the Trader, Pirates of the Caribbean ride changes, Not playing Zipadee doo Da, The new Snow White Movie, The Warning on old Disney Content shown on Disney+, Elemental, The Proud Family, Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (I mean dang, it has the word devil and is female led)…in fact, all parents will be CGI alive in all backstories because Family is the most important thing, and all father figures must be a central part of these films.”

When asked what the last part meant, he went onto our favorite quote again by giving this gem “All humans are created equal under the law, but some humans have to make the laws so these pretty little ladies don’t have to leave the kitchen to worry about it”

Splash Mountain Returning as Disney Drops 'DEI' and 5th Key to End 'Woke' Programs - Governor Responds
Splash Mountain Returning as Disney Drops ‘DEI’ and 5th Key to End ‘Woke’ Programs – Governor Responds

That is a lot for April Fools Day. April 1st, 2024. I figure if you are going to do a April Fools Day joke, go all in! None of this Disney World is Removing all Mention of Mickey Mouse, or Mickey Moose from The Muppets will replace Mickey Mouse at Disney World. Nope not for me, all in or nothing.

We here at TheFUNaticsBlog do not care about political discussions. We believe and vote how we want to, and encourage you to vote how you want to. Enjoy the Buffet! Happy April Fools Day!

Splash Mountain Returning as Disney Drops ‘DEI’ and 5th Key to End ‘Woke’ Programs – Governor Responds