World Storybook Day with Disney Cast Members
World Storybook Day with Disney Cast Members

World Storybook Day with Disney Cast Members. Watch the video below.

For more than 100 years, The Walt Disney Company has been the premiere storytelling brand across the globe, and at the heart of its storytelling are its people.

Storytelling is special to Disney Cast Members and employees because they use the power of stories to not only make magic and dreams come true, but also to do their jobs and “connect to people across the world,” according to Andrew Hendricks, a Creative Producer at Disney.

World Storybook Day with Disney Cast Members
World Storybook Day with Disney Cast Members

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“It provides us an opportunity to explore life,” Hendricks added. “And reflect on the human experience.”

It also allows for Cast Members and employees to help tell Disney’s story, which is really about everyone who works at the company.

“My childhood is just filled with Disney memories,” Jasmine Ervin, Associate Manager, Sports Brand Solutions at Disney Advertising Sales, said. “So, it’s really surreal and a full circle moment that my story is now a part of the Disney story.”

As we celebrate World Storytelling Day, hear first-hand from the people that act as Disney storytellers every single day.

World Storybook Day with Disney Cast Members