'When Calls The Heart' Look Back At My Favorite Characters - The Canfield Family
‘When Calls The Heart’ Look Back At My Favorite Characters – The Canfield Family

‘When Calls The Heart’ Look Back At My Favorite Characters – The Canfield Family. What can you say about this family? They are family goals through and through.

The Canfields came to Hope Valley in Season 8 of ‘When Calls The Heart’ and have become a vital part of the fabric of the town. The family consists of Joseph and Minnie and their children Angela and Cooper.

Joseph Canfield is the head of the family. When he arrives in Hope Valley, he is handy with construction jobs. He starts working with Lee Coulter at the lumber mill. He also was the pastor of Hope Valley. In Season 10, Lee was hoping to make Joseph a partner in the company. However, Joseph feels he’s being called to full time ministry. He wanted to take on a second congregation that was in need of a pastor. He turned down Lee’s offer.

Minnie Canfield is the fiercely protective matriarch. When they come to Hope Valley, Minnie is a full time teacher of her daughter, Angela. Minnie starts working in Abigail’s Cafe as a cook. She becomes a mother figure to many of the women in town. She is a gentle soul who always has wisdom to share.

‘When Calls The Heart’ Look Back At My Favorite Characters – The Canfield Family

Angela Canfield is the older of the two children. Angela is blind. She is also a super talented musician. She plays the piano. When they move to town, she learns at home with her mother but would love to go to school with the other kids. Elizabeth takes up the mantle to make this possible. She teaches Angela braille and invites her to come to school.

However, the school superintendent Mr. Landis, shows up and says there is no room for someone with Angela’s needs at school. She will hinder the other children’s learning. Elizabeth stands firm and with Rosemary’s help via the Valley Voice, gets the whole town to rally around Angela and welcome her to school.

'When Calls The Heart' Look Back At My Favorite Characters - The Canfield Family
‘When Calls The Heart’ Look Back At My Favorite Characters – The Canfield Family

Finally, we have Cooper Canfield. He’s the younger child and feisty. Cooper is protective and loyal. He questions God and Church and challenges his family. He is one of the children who found the Hot Springs in Season 10.

'When Calls The Heart' Look Back At My Favorite Characters - The Canfield Family
‘When Calls The Heart’ Look Back At My Favorite Characters – The Canfield Family

When Angela starts going to school, Mr. Landis is still trying to block this. He tells Elizabeth that her certification in special education for the blind is not valid in their school district. Cooper confides in Elizabeth that he does not like Mr. Landis. He glues the man’s hat to a desk. When being talked to about this with his parents and Elizabeth, he says he’s not sorry. The man is making things hard for Elizabeth and Angela. Elizabeth is tender with Cooper and he rushes to hug her. The kid is loyal and protective.

Minnie takes it upon herself to invite the man that she dislikes to eat a meal with them at their home. He agrees. At the dinner, we find out that Mr. Landis is a former music teacher. Angela is encouraged to play piano for him and this leads to a very tender moment between Angela and Mr. Landis. This prompts Mr. Landis to give up being a superintendent and go back to being a music teacher.

'When Calls The Heart' Look Back At My Favorite Characters - The Canfield Family
‘When Calls The Heart’ Look Back At My Favorite Characters – The Canfield Family

Joseph is played by Viv Leacock. Angela and Cooper are played by his real life children, Vienna and Elias Leacock. Minnie is played by Natasha Burnett. This family is goals like I said earlier. I’m sharing this family to celebrate the premiere of Viv and Natasha’s Hallmark Channel movie, ‘Legend Of The Lost Locket.’ Check out my review of the movie.

‘When Calls The Heart’ Look Back At My Favorite Characters – The Canfield Family